

We all do it in one form of another. Wether it’s waiting to do the dishes, calling your mom, getting a paper done, or getting your taxes ready. Why do we do it though?

Just as we all know the familiar peril of procrastination, we are also just as familiar with that feeling of relief of completing a daunting task that has been haunting us. That rush of dopamine you get when you have folded and put away that pile of laundry in the corner of the room that has relentless been taunting you. The “good job” you tell yourself when you have finally cleared out that pile of water bottles that have been rattling around at every turn and stop on the road. 

If our pleasure principle is set ablaze after a job well done- why do we do it if we know that we will be psychologically rewarded at the end of a to-do list task?

It’s been awhile since we have posted an article on here as procrastination has stopped our presses. Procrastination is the pause of progress- but is there a process to stop procrastination? 


Don’t start with the biggest task first. This is the saboteur of productivity. Start with with something you know can be competed in quickest amount of time. You’ll get the endorphin release from job completed and will give you the feeling of accomplishment and control as you make your way through the bigger projects. 

A little at a time-

The incremental approach can be highly effective for two reasons: 

Reason 1 -the idea of the whole task can seem overwhelming. You don’t have to commit by getting it all done in one clean swoop. Tell yourself I’m going to spend an hour today organizing the closet(or any other task you have been avoiding). This could even be broken up into two 30 minute sessions in a day. Go at it for a designated amount of time, take a break, and then return to again for a designated amount of time. This can take the pressure off of such a heavy task but still putting your productive foot forward

Reason 2- Watching your progress can be just as rewarding as completing it. Seeing that closet slowly transform from a heap of this and that into a functioning area can might give you that push. Seeing your progress shows you that the end goal is attainable. “Look what I’ve accomplished!”

Before trying any of the procratination busters the universal first step is to rip that bandaid off and just START.